I've been looking around my old projects and their early versions -- and I realized how nice it would be to have the very early builds of these to see how things were changing. I do have few earlier backups, but I was removing the very old ones I thought I won't need, rip.
So from now on, I'll be paying more attention to early versions and whatsoever to preserve the history of the projects. I'll be compiling builds once in a while, saving them in a corner for future me. 👀
With that being said, I've been cleaning my project folders a bit ~ organized backups, restored what I could, copied here, uploaded there, and now I'm trying to keep it all nice.
Because this game doesn't have public releases yet, I didn't pay too much attention to its version/build, nor wasn't compiling any playable versions that I could quickly lurk in - I've been just working on the same version overwriting previous states, so to speak.
But no more...
In addition to my own version naming that currently rarely changes due to lack of actual releases, I've added the build number, which should help me keep track of progress and remind me to do some solid backups/compiles more often.
The build number will be the detailed version number. It is increased automatically each time I compile the game, so that's something, that will somewhat encourage me to do this more often, to see the number grow and the progress be "visibly" recorded there. :P The DATE (at the time of compiling) will be automatically embedded as well, so that will ensure I'll know everything - when, what and stuff.
While I was there, I needed some more characters in my epic font, so I drew a couple more..