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Welcome to my little hideout, where you can find my stuff in one place.
Please be aware, that the site is under development, so many things are yet to be added (inlcuding this home page you're in, because at the moment there's nothing here) and not everything may work as expected in general.
Be warned: Most of the time I work on the site 'live', so chances are, that you'll be able to see things changing each time you refresh the page, see some features going wild, or end up seeing messed up / error pages should I derp somewhere in the code really bad. If something random happens, it's most likely me currently toying behind the scenes. I try to leave the site working when I'm done, to avoid downtimes for longer periods while I'm away. The reason I work that way is the fact, that I simply don't expect too much traffic here, so at least at the moment it's rather unlikely, that someone will really have the urgency to browse the site.
Nevertheless, if you'll be experiencing any troubles, please let me know. If you're browsing this site, you most likely know where to catch me. This site isn't in the top results in search engines, so I believe (nearly) no one will bump into this site randomly.
Thank you for visiting!
This site is a WORK IN PROGRESS.